Eis o texto em mau Inglês que depois terão de traduzir para Good English TM, para entenderem esta mensagem: I Hope this time the, Oh! My God, do not reply about my English, I'me just beggining to fell bored with him...By hazard, do you know what the, Oh ! My God ! means, it's Ortographic Moiteiro's Gorrector !I began to search and I found out, that It's a BETA version of a translating program design by the Moiteiros, to translate Andaluzian dialect to Castilan, because nobody in Spain except the Andaluzes understand that dialect, only the moiteiro's do!The basis of this new program it's to cut out the ending of the words, for example if say's in Castilan: Yo me boi a Barcelona com mucho gusto (Sorry my French) in Andaluz it sound something like that: Yo me bo... a Barcelon...com muchum...guss...That program it's the new weapon the moiteiros found to destroy the Alhos Vedrense movment.The Oh ! My God !(...Ai meu Deus, in portuguese) program is now trying the Official program of the "Good english" T.M. translator of not so good English to Good english, and I was trap in the middle of a testing of this program, when I ansewer in, not so good english the OMG (Oh! my God!) program detect my not so good english and reply, automaticlly !
Pode descarregar o programa neste site.

Histórico dos acontecimentos
Spy said... Dear Mr Oliude! First of all my deepest compliments on the exceptional work you've been doing!I don't know who you are and you don't know me either and we are very much unlikely to meet, I've never been to Alhos Vedros, I don't have the slightest idea what you want to do with this blogspot of yours, you might even wonder what I'm doing in this space and how I've stumbled on it...But let me tell you something Mr [H]Oliude ! (allow me to pronounce the H...) If you have decided to publish your blogspot with your interests (and I'd say you do show a lot of sensitivity and sensibiliy!) and if you've had the guts to expose some rotten wounds of the alhosvedran population, politicians and society, then you have to be prepared because you'll certainly be criticized, attacked, blamed for whatever wrong comes about, and you may even have to buy yourself a puppy to bite some guys' heels...And let me tell you somthing else Mr [H]Oliude! If you really want to be respected, then stay cool, don't shoot back against any comment that hurts you (remember you should be ready for whatever comes next!...)I think some day you'll be able to discern between essential and accessory and you'll find your balance point, but meanwhile you'll have to be cautious and respect other people's opinions. Remember: you're entitled to evaluate the others and they are entitled to evaluate you!!...You might feel sad about the low level shown on some comments, but if you lower the level yourself, then you can say bye bye to your respect, because it surely will go down the drain...Let me tell you just one more thing Mr [H]Oliude! Keep an eye on your spellig and your syntax...I may never ever come back to this blogspot, but I might as well. Until then... talk to your pillow or give yourself 5 minutes' meditation...Yours truly,I Spy
20 Agosto, 2005 19:08
AV2 said... I agree with the I Spy.First wi'll need to confirm the informations, and then you must speak with your's Blogger camarads, to check out we're that information provides, than you can post with more sure that you are not wrong.
Saudações Alhos Vedrenses !
20 Agosto, 2005 21:32
Ai meu deus said... mas o que é isso av2 falou portingles e na disse nadinha ...deve ter sido só para dizer que tinha percebido o post...parabens já sabemos que sabe ingles por favor agora escreva em portugues pois em portingles isso esta escasso....por favor..
20 Agosto, 2005 23:09
deontológico said... lost in translation...
21 Agosto, 2005 12:49
AV2 said... IchBIN mit dem i-Spion einverstanden. Erste wi'llnotwendigkeit, die Informationen zu bestätigen, und dann müssen Sie mit Ihren camarads Blogger sprechen, um sind uns heraus zu überprüfen, daß Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, als Sie können mit sichererem bekanntgeben, daß Sie nicht falsch sind.
Saudações Alhos Vedrenses !
21 Agosto, 2005 13:21
AV2 said... Für die AI mein Gott.Sie noch auf portugiesisch sprechen und kommen jetzt mit linguísticospreciosiosmos Anglófonos, Sie gehen, Lektionen des Schreibens auf englisch für das underbrush, sein moiteirocastilian zu geben.
21 Agosto, 2005 13:35
AV2 said... Se a tradução para Alemão também não estiver correcta é porque o Tradutor Instantâneo do Google; http://www.google.pt/language_tools?hl=pt-PT, anda a falhar,
21 Agosto, 2005 13:56
AV2 said... Acho que já descobri a lingua correcta para que o ...ai meu deus, compreenda, aí vaí...
Para el, AI mi dios. Todavía nen portugués hablas y ahora vienes con los preciosiosmos linguísticos Anglófonos, usted va dar las lecciones de la letra en inglés para el underbrush (moita),su moiteirocastilian.
21 Agosto, 2005 14:06
I Spy said... Well done Mr [H]Oliude!I can see you're making progress as far as your replies to the comments are concerned!! (Not giving me an answer was the first step!)Reacting under rage makes you say things you'll regret later... Pondering before giving an answer allows you to choose the best words to express your thoughts. And when you feel like giving a prompt reply of indignation, better leave it till the next day. You certainly will be more efficient and explicit and so more likely to make a point.But you still need to find a good spelling dictionary!As for the themes you post, nothing to say! But I like your album gallery... just a mix of nostalgia... and curiosity.I'll be around, spying on everyone and everything.Best regards,I Spy
21 Agosto, 2005 20:26
AV2 said... That's what I say, the I Spy is right.I keep saying that !I Hope this time the Oh! My God, do not reply about my English, I'me just beggining to fell bored with him...By hazard, do you know what the, Oh ! My God ! means, it's Ortographic Moiteiro's Gorrector !I began to search and I found out, that It's a BETA version of a translating program design by the Moiteiros, to translate Andaluzian dialect to Castilan, because nobody in Spain except the Andaluzes understand that dialect, only the moiteiro's do!The basis of this new program it's to cut out the ending of the words, for example if say's in Castilan: Yo me boi a Barcelona com mucho gusto (Sorry my French) in Andaluz it sound something like that: Yo me bo... a Barcelon...com muchum...guss...That program it's the new weapon the moiteiros found to destroy the Alhos Vedrense movment.The Oh ! My God !(...Ai meu Deus, in portuguese) program is now trying the Official program of the "Good english" T.M. translator of not so good English to Good english, and I was trap in the middle of a testing of this program, when I ansewer in, not so good english the OMG (Oh! my God!) program detect my not so good english and reply, automaticlly !
21 Agosto, 2005 20:59
Ai Ai ... said... Ai meud eus agora é que o homem se perdeu tenha calma e escreva algo ...interessante.
21 Agosto, 2005 21:14
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