O nosso leitor, Shijuchitra pede-nos que divulguemos este apelo para salvar as Tartarugas Verde-Azeitona, que procriam em Dhamra, Gahirmatha, Orissa, na India, presumo, onde pelos vistos, os governantes locais querem construir um porto comercial que vai acabar com todo o ecosistema e também com estas simpáticas tartarugas. Se quiser assinar a petição para salvar este ecosistema, que também querem lixar em nome do progresso, assine aqui, :
Hi ,
I've just written to Ratan Tata asking him to not to go ahead with building a port in Dhamra, Orissa, dangerously close to one of the world's largest sea turtle nesting grounds for the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. I think its a good idea for Mr. Tata to move the port to another location rather than endanger the turtles.
By living up to the Tatas' environmental legacy, Ratan won't just save the highly-endangered Olive Ridley Turtles, he will also end up making Tata a better company.
The only problem is that I can't bring about that change alone. I need help from lots of people, especially you.
Please do what I've done. Write directly to Ratan by clicking here
I've just written to Ratan Tata asking him to not to go ahead with building a port in Dhamra, Orissa, dangerously close to one of the world's largest sea turtle nesting grounds for the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle. I think its a good idea for Mr. Tata to move the port to another location rather than endanger the turtles.
By living up to the Tatas' environmental legacy, Ratan won't just save the highly-endangered Olive Ridley Turtles, he will also end up making Tata a better company.
The only problem is that I can't bring about that change alone. I need help from lots of people, especially you.
Please do what I've done. Write directly to Ratan by clicking here
Thanks a million,shijuchitra@gmail.com
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